
Lake Nakuru.

Lake Nakuru

What’s up at Lake Nakuru?

Lake Nakuru is a national park, which means animals stay inside the park, except for the birds! It’s a lake, but a salty lake at that, because it doesn’t have an outlet! It’s a sanctuary for Rhinos, both white and black. It’s well known for the pat (flock) of Flamingo it attracts seasonally. 

Animals that you can expect to see in Lake Nakuru

White and black rhinos, tree climbing Lions, big heards of waterbucks, zebras and buffalos, stripped hyenas, leopards. Heavily populated with acacia trees, Rothschild giraffes are plenty!

Lake Nakuru Safari.


An itinerary.

What can you expect on a 1 day Lake Nakuru Safari?

-       Safari experience 

-       Easy to do as a day trip or to add to a Maasai Mara Safari

The specific itinerary for your trip will very much depend on whether you are joining a group or we are doing a private trip. Private trips are tailored made to your liking.


A road trip!

Early breakfast at the camp or leaving Nairobi at 5am and doing a game drive until lunch time.

We try and ensure that you capture the magical places in Nakuru – a beautiful cliff, a lot of white rhinos, a walk by the Lake.


If you like birdwatching – Nakuru is your place.


We will get you a nice lunch in the area, and make sure you are back in Nairobi by 5pm. Of course this trip can be on the way to Maasai Mara or Naivasha too, it all depends on your itinerary.